The Story Behind Sam Mire Writing

Writing is my full-time job, and it's been my livelihood for nearly seven years. My goal and passion are to write great copy, but that’s just half of my mission. I get my rocks off forming long-term relationships with clients who share this belief: Compelling writing is the most consistent, cost-effective way to spread awareness of a great business or product, shine a light on the most disruptive issues and ideas, and get your message—whatever it may be—to the audience who needs to see it.

I've become resolved in this belief as I climbed from fly-by-night click-bait publications to local papers and, finally, nationally-published PR firms and content houses. My journey continues, and I'd love for you or your outlet to become a part of the story.

I've written pieces published in Forbes, Entrepreneur, USA Today, and other prominent publications for clients including Builder Magazine's Builder of the Year, a market-leading cryptocurrency mining company, and national law firms. 

Throughout my career I've written for:

  • PR agencies

  • Law firms

  • Media companies

  • Finance companies

  • Cryptocurrency mining companies

  • Newspapers

  • Sports-focused publications

  • Business journals

  • Entrepreneurs

  • News outlets

I will work directly with you or your team to produce memorable content that fits your vision. I write:

Don’t be mistaken, this isn’t a “jack of all trades, master of none” situation. I merely cast a wide net and dive headfirst into every project clients ask of me, regardless of how unfamiliar the territory is.

I ask that you look at my portfolio (link at the top of the site). It shows what I’ve done and hints at the work I can do for you. My client testimonials (link also up top) give a detailed preview of who you’re getting when you enlist Sam Mire Writing for a project.

Good, reliable writers are tough to find, but you’ve found one. I’m looking forward to working with you.

Email me at for questions, more samples, and writing opportunities.