
This portfolio features both bylines and ghostwritten articles. I hope you’ll find a piece specific to your written needs, as samples range from analytical market research to original reporting, lighthearted sports lists, feature profiles, and op-eds.

Eat More, Weigh Less? The Truth Behind the European Weight-Loss Phenomenon (Published in Fox News, AP News)

Original reporting of why Americans travel to Europe, eat without restriction, yet find themselves lighter, less bloated, and feeling better (No, it’s not just the walking).

Today in “No Duh”: Your Amazon Ring Cameras Are Spying on You, Remove Them Immediately (Published in MSN)

Coverage of hair-raising revelations that low-level Amazon employees could tap into customers’ ring cameras (including those in bedrooms and bathrooms). Being Amish has never looked so appealing.

Murderers, Abusers, Running Backs and Tight Ends: The Worst Human Beings Ever to Play in the NFL (Published in MSN)

A healthy reminder never to put your favorite athlete on a pedestal. With one breaking news story, the facade that athletic talent equals moral character can come crashing down.

From 101st Airborne to the Produce Aisle: A Profile of ShopRite Founder Bernie Kenny (Delaware Business Times)

As the founder looks back on 25 years in business, he will not accept credit for building the formidable Northeastern grocery chain. Fortunately, his family is eager to detail Kenny’s relentless work ethic and under-the-radar penchant for spontaneous charity.

This High-Powered, Philly-Area Executive Ditched the Office to Pursue an Organic Dream (Main Line Today)

A profile of Kate Etherington, a former high-ranking executive for non-government organizations (NGOs) and philanthropic powerhouses, who ditched the boardroom for the great outdoors. A true story of how one’s deepest-held values and passions can intertwine with a career.

Experts Explain Why the Homelessness Epidemic Won’t End Soon (Original Reporting)

Homelessness experts detail some harsh realities: bad data, resistance to conditional housing, and an ongoing fight for funding. These challenges as relevant as ever with more and more Americans unable to cover their rent and mortgage payments.

A Passion Passed Down (Sports-Themed Profile)

What happens when the inspiration for most beloved pursuit suddenly dies? Does the passion die too, or does it grow even more potent? This profile examines the bonds that led a young Canadian girl to become a professional soccer star.

The State of Remote Work 2020 (Retail-Focused Analysis)

What effect did the office-space exodus of 2020 have on worker morale and productivity? This statistical analysis of the remote work renaissance provides prescient insight into the future of work.

What Real Estate’s American Past Tells Us About Its Future (Published in Forbes)

What timeless real-estate lessons can Americans today learn from the Great Depression and GI Bill? The answer lies in this opinion editorial crafted in collaboration with the founder of a significant American loan origination company.

What Do MVP Trophies, Super Bowl Rings, and Unfulfilled Potential Really Do to a Sports Card’s Price?

Light fare for those interested in the economics of sports card collecting amidst renewed fervor for alternative investments.

CA Nuclear Site Shows Signs of Environmental Disaster. Why Is Nobody Doing Anything About It?

A review of a ticking time bomb in Southern California, which some experts have likened to “the next Fukushima waiting to happen.”

We Should Be Wasting More Time

Truth disguised as advertising, this article explains why the greatest work from the greatest minds resulted from time wasted-lots of it. From Darwin’s scrapped theories to Dylan’s electric era, nothing great emerges on the first try. An example of my ability to craft thought-provoking promotional material for clients.

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